Category: Trading Psychology

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Books & TrainingsTradingTrading Psychology

How the best traders improve their trading: self-development

The best of the best traders are constantly constructively satisfied and at the same time dissatisfied with their achievements.

be prepared
Traders' StoriesTradingTrading Psychology

Lessons from 50 years of trading experience: key skills and achievements

The best traders I’ve met pointed to survival on the market as their main achievement. By studying their biographies, you can benefit in one particular way: you will strengthen your ability to adapt. Markets are changing and will continue to change, sometimes dramatically. Alternative data, big data and AI are coming into widespread use.

Books & TrainingsTraders' StoriesTradingTrading Psychology

The cardinal rules of trading according to the best traders in the world

One day I came up with the idea of finding the best traders in the world and then asking them about everything that is relevant for achieving success on the market. I wanted to know their full story — from the beginning, up until now. In the result, I interviewed almost 100 traders from all over the world. One of the questions was “What are the cardinal rules of trading according to you?” Check it out, what some of them told me…

trading losses - new city trader magazine
TradingTrading Psychology

How to deal with trading losses: 5 steps to overcome loss in trading

The reasons you get punched in the face in trading can be many: an attack on a refinery, a bombing, a flash crash, … or more mundane: a strong move and sl. A quick rise in price followed by an even quicker fall. An upward impulse, a downward impulse and a breakout of previous lows. You are on the minus side.

Emotions in trading - New City Trader
Trading Psychology

3 thing to master emotions in trading: where do they come from? 

The best traders have both channels functioning well even in the most difficult situations. This means that even under the influence of strong, or even very strong emotions in trading, the best traders are able to make good decisions.

Mental Toughness in trading - New City Trader
TradingTrading Psychology

Mental Toughness: How to become a successful trader? Learn key secrets of best traders.

In the long run, the best and mentally strongest traders are characterized by Mental Toughness to losses and big losses, ability to cope with long periods of losses and then bounce back.

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TradingTrading Psychology

Underestimated sources of stress in trading. Yet critically important.

A minor problem in trading that has occurred may be felt by you as very painful and serious at a time when you are particularly sensitive to stress, when your mental condition is weakened. The cumulations of negative events affect your trading results, especially losses and mistakes. It is best not to trade then.

New City Trader Best Trader Traits
TradingTrading Psychology

What are qualities of successful traders?

This post is hugely important, especially for traders outside of funds.
The basis is to observe the best traders, a specific behavior when they are successful.
Interestingly, the same behavior is observed in the most outstanding athletes, businessmen, members of elite special units.

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TradingTrading Psychology

How trader’s mind works?

Our mind works in several basic modes.
A plan prepared calmly is rational, well thought out and sensible.
However, just before the entry, strong emotions arise and suddenly the same plan seems weak and not adapted to the market.

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Traders' StoriesTradingTrading Psychology

How profits can destabilize trader’s psyche

A trader I met approached me with the following problem. He was having an exceptionally good day, an excellent day in fact. As luck would have it, he entered a large position at the beginning of the day (day trader) and due to the terrorist attack the market fell dramatically…